
Explorer finances operate centrally, out of the Cabot Explorer Scouts bank account; termly subscriptions are collected and recorded through OSM (via direct debit, unless parents request to pay via bank transfer/cash), and each Unit receives money back per-Explorer for that term's programme expenses.

All other costs such as the Scout membership fees, rent, insurance etc. are paid from the central account, meaning that all Explorers across the District pay the same membership fee, and receive the same experience back.

Expenses & Invoices

Ideally activities should be paid for via invoice to the District (then leaders don't need to be out of pocket) - these and other expenses should be claimed back via the Explorer Treasurer (

Unit Budgeting

Units are expected to manage their own termly budget when planning their programme, and have a set amount to spend based on the number of Explorers they have - this will be communicated before each term starts.

This sum can be carried over into the next term (except from Spring to Summer, as we enter a new financial year), but you should aim to spend it in the term - it's come from the Explorers in the Unit that term and should be spent on them in that term.

Camps and Events

Camps and events are expected to generally run to a break-even budget - Units can subsidise these with some of their term's programme spend, but should weigh up how many are going to benefit from this vs. how much of the term's spend it is.

Don't forget when taking payments through OSM there's a 2.95% fee, so you may need to increase the event cost slightly in order to cover this if collecting payments online - full instructions for setting up online payments through OSM are in the leader's guide.

Events where there is a need to pay deposits or underwrite expenses before Explorers have paid money in should be discussed with the Treasurer in advance, so we're able to make sure we can cover the amount (and that the event is feasable!).