Leader Resources

Information and other useful links for adults within Explorers - if you have a question that isn't answered here please contact the District Explorer team.

Email and Google Drive

All ESLs with a full role will be added to their Unit's shared email, shared Google drive, and the Cabot Explorers shared Google drive. DSAs with a full role will be added to the Unit and Cabot Explorers shared drives.

If required, DSAs or other Unit supporters can added to the Unit mailbox at the request of the ESL.

Mailing Lists

Bulk emails to Explorers should go through OSM, either via the website, or using the OSM-lists email address (in the form <unit reference>@lists.onlinescoutmanager.co.uk - ask if you're not sure what the correct address for your Unit is!). Any leader with a full role that's been added onto OSM will be able to use these.